Girls und Panzer (TV) - Anime News Network Plot Summary: In this world, Sensha-do (戦車道), the art of tank-combat, is a traditional Japanese martial art for girls. Miho, a girl who just transfered into the Ōrai Girls' Academy in Ibaraki Prefecture, has been ordered by the academy's student council c
少女與戰車(Girls und Panzer) 哈啦板 - 巴哈姆特 少女與戰車 《女子高中生 & 重戰車》,是一部原創的動畫作品。以女子高中生結合戰車為題材,描述以對戰車有陰影的主角,西住美穗以及朋友們、參家戰車道世界大會的故事。本作的監督水島努,曾執導過包括《侵略!
少女與戰車(Girls und Panzer) 哈啦板- 巴哈姆特 這是一個將使用戰車的武技「戰車道」與花道、茶道等項目並稱為大和撫子技藝的世界。且學校都是設在航空母艦上,自成一個可自給自足的小城鎮。 西住美穗轉學到了 ...
Girls und Panzer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Girls und Panzer (ガールズ&パンツァー, Gāruzu ando Pantsā?) is a 2012 Japanese anime television series created by Actas.[1][2] It depicts a competition between girls' high schools practicing tank warfare as a sport. The series was directed by Tsutomu Mizushima and
少女與戰車 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 《少女與戰車》(日語:ガールズ&パンツァー,GIRLS und PANZER),是由Actas製作、水島努執導的原創動畫作品;此部動畫的漫畫版已先行在Media Factory《月刊漫畫flapper》2012年7月號至2014年4月號連載,由新人漫畫家才谷屋龍一負責作畫。 2012年5月17日,於官方 ...
Girls Und Panzer - 影片搜尋
Girls und Panzer (TV Series 2012– ) - IMDb With Kendall McClellan. Madchen Und Panzer, which is translated to Maidens And Tanks. A story series set in Oorai where a young girl Miho Nishizumi has transferred from her old school... See full synopsis »
Girls und Panzer | Facebook Girls und Panzer. 8,039 likes · 1,012 talking about this. In the world, the manipulation of tanks (Sensha-do) is one of the traditional martial arts... ... I'm sure sure of you guys own the Nendoroid Miho Nishizumi and the P... latz Panzer IV Ausf D. Any
Girls Und Panzer - 相關圖片搜尋結果
Crunchyroll - GIRLS und PANZER Full episodes streaming online for free GIRLS und PANZER PV Viewers Also Liked Naruto Shippuden 380 Videos Log Horizon 26 Videos Fairy Tail 167 Videos ... A powerful tank battle has been created by an enviable staff, cute girl characters and 3DCGI! The world has evolved into ... more 5 (66) 4 .